Originally from Gothenborg, Sweden, Simbi was founded in 1987 by saxophonist-percussionist-singer Sten Källman. They are known in the Caribbean as the “blue-eyes haitians”. Simbi owes his name from the lôa (voodoo spirit). The band composes and sings in Creole while interpreting in a very original way traditional extracts from the immensely rich liturgy of vodou. Recently, Simbi has released their 4th album. Far from being musical tourists, lovers of melodies and exotic rhythms, Simbi’s musicians came several times to Haiti and also traveled to Benin the cradle of voodoo religion. Simbi is considered to be one of the pioneering bands of the “mizik racin” movement of the 80s. (Dan Behrman).
Discover their new album So Yéyé with their explosive rhythms at the PAPJAZZ. Ayibobo!

January 22 @ 09:00
9:00 am
– 10:00 am