Auralie Antoine (Haiti)

Daughter of a guitarist and singer, Auralie Antoine took her first steps in the music world at the age of two. Her father, also his mentor, discovered in her a talent for singing. In 1999, she joined the Sainte-Trinité school where she studied music theory and devoted herself to the violin. But it is to singing that she will remain attached. Auralie is influenced by gospel music and particularly jazz and traditional music. When she tries her hand at jazz, the feedback is impeccable. This is what leads her to devote herself entirely to it. In August 2017, she participated in an evangelical concert with a jazz tendency. Since then, she has continued to perform. Auralie has already put her voice on several projects and is currently working on her solo album.

January 19 @ 20:00

8:00 pm

– 9:00 pm


Café 36