It is with great pride and above all, with all his passion, that pianist Jacky Terrasson blew out the 53 candles that danced on his birthday cake last year. Born to a French father and an African-American mother, this half-breed prodigy of black and white touches has never disappointed. With a dizzying velocity, he is a true virtuoso who will undoubtedly seduce you. First prize winner of the Thelonius Monk Institute International Piano Competition, Terrasson is above all capable of immediately creating nuance, tempo and syncope in all things musical. And that’s how he perfectly created his latest album, “53”. As an integral artist, he has also toured with Dee Dee Bridgewater and worked in studio with Cécile McLorin Salvant, two great ladies who we’ve already seen and heard at the PAPJAZZ, and who surely didn’t fail to recommend a little detour to Haiti. Terrasson will be accompanied by Sylvain Romano on double bass and Lukmil Perez on the drums.

January 19 @ 18:00
6:00 pm
– 7:00 pm
Institut Français