Workshop – Denis Lapassion (Guyana)

Afro-Amazonian jazz

French pianist, composer and arranger, Denis Lapassion is a musician who expresses himself in a personal style, combining tradition and modernity, mixing jazz and the rhythms of Guyana: Afro-Amazonian jazz. At the age of 9 he starts classical piano lessons, then he practices negro spirituals and gospel music with local bands and begins to study jazz at 16. It tours in Europe, USA, Africa, South America, the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean. In 2013, he released his first solo album “Sérénité”, an eclectic creation that finds an ideal expression betweenJ and traditional French rhythms. In 2017, Denis Lapassion released “Soul Attitude”, and shall release “Reminiscence” in the near future. For his unique concert at the PAPJAZZ, Denis Lapassion will be accompanied by renown musicians such as Etienne Mbappé (bass), Félix Sabal-Lecco (drums) et Regine Lapassion (vocal and percussions).

An exceptional concert.

January 23 @ 09:00

9:00 am

– 10:00 am

